The eSToRY Center is dedicated to early detection of mental illness and improving quality and access to mental health care for teens in racial, ethnic, and linguistic minoritized communities.
“I am really appreciative of the way the conversations have always been open, and the way we were using the discussions to do research and write papers that would not only go sit on a shelf but would actually go and help people.”
Gautham Ramshankar, Youth Advisory Board member
“It’s nice seeing a community of people who care about mental health”
Aarohee Chapagin, Youth Advisory Board member
“As I was engaging more in meetings, I realized It’s not only engaging with researchers, answering questions, and giving feedback. It’s so much more about listening to what other people have to say, to other people’s experience, and the work that you guys have been doing. And it’s been such a nice idea to give back”
Kate M., Youth Advisory Board member
tell your story
We hope to create a space for teens to find support, strength, and community through sharing experiences with mental health. We encourage you to share your story with us in whatever form you chose to tell it (artwork, poetry, essay, video, etc.)
PLEASE NOTE: Submissions to this website are not live-monitored or reviewed by clinical professionals. If you have concerns about your own safety or the safety of anyone else, please contact a crisis hotline or visit our resources page to find links to appropriate support.